

How To Hide A Spare Key

How to hide a spare key is probably a question that might have crossed your mind already in the past. It already happened to some of us, or you are reading this article just because you want to prevent getting locked out of your apartment or being locked out of your house.

Today we want to take a look at different ways for hiding our spare keys. But let me say one thing upfront. For whatever solution you decide to go, be creative! Why? You and I are using this information to make our life a bit easier. However, someone else might be searching for this and similar articles to figure out ways to spot a hidden spare key. 

Don’t get demotivated by this. If you put in some time and come up with a great idea where to hide your key, the harder it will be for someone to find it. The longer someone is walking around your property trying to find your spare key, the more attention he gets.


First thing first: I’m not a lawyer and can’t give any legal advice. As always, the content on this page is for entertainment purposes only.

If you are a renter and not the owner of a building, you might have a clause in your contract that prohibits you from creating a duplicate of the apartment or house key. You should always check your lease agreement first and have a quick chat with your landlord just to be on the safe side. Some states give you the right to duplicate the key since you are the renter of the dwelling, and you are free to let anyone in as you wish. But make sure to get more details about that before you create a duplicate key.

On the same note, if you move into a new house or apartment as a renter, always ask the landlord to rekey the door lock since you’ll never know how many keys are out there. You surely don’t want anyone who lived there previously to enter your space.

Where to hide a spare key – Bad spots

Here are some terrible ideas where to hide your spare key because we all watched the same movies and shows, and it comes up all the time again, which means we all know the same stuff.

  • Under the Doormat
  • Your sunshield in your car
  • Above the door, on the door frame
  • The fake stone to the left or right of your door

These are pretty obvious spots and should be avoided if possible.


I wish there would be a universal answer that fits all, but unfortunately, there is no right answer. The most significant factor is your living situation and if you have a front or back yard or none of them. It doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment or a house; the main driver here are the options you have. With a yard (no matter if front or back), you’ll always have more options than one living on the 3rd floor in an apartment complex. Yes, people like me have far fewer options than someone with a yard.

Around the house or in your yard, you are able to tape the key to something in your shed or under the porch stairs, bury it somewhere in the yard or conceal it in plain sight and make it part of your landscaping. So many good spots!

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When it comes to living without a yard, it is more complicated. I live on the 3rd floor in an apartment complex and have neighbors to the left and opposite of me. There isn’t really a good option, so we have to get even more creative.

Do you have a detached garage? How about you leave a key in there. Sure, that makes only sense if your garage opener is not on the same keychain as your house key. You could also leave your key at your office desk or somewhere else at your workplace. 

Much riskier, and it depends on the area where you live: You could also hide the key in a public place. Do you have a trail around your complex or a park close by? Hide a key over there. Sounds stupid, but if you use just a plain and simple key without any identification, nobody would know which door that key opens. Now, this is the last idea I would pick, but if you don’t have any other options, it might be helpful. But please make sure to take your key with you when you move and don’t leave it behind.


When I was looking for a solution, I was spinning my head around and doing a lot of research. I bought multiple items and checked them for usage, but here are three items I liked most and which are very helpful in my eyes. You’ll get my Top 3 list but don’t fear, I’ll have a couple more alternatives below in another list. I hope you’ll find the right solution for your needs.

Since I like to be transparent:
Disclaimer: I only recommend products I have tested or I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no additional cost to you. You can read my full disclaimer here.

Fake Sprinkler Head

This item is probably my all-time favorite. It is not because of the fake look as a sprinkler head but about the idea that I’m able to dig a hole somewhere in my backyard and bury it. If you don’t have a backyard, you might be able to bury it in a flower pot outside at your front or backdoor area.

Sure, you have to remember where you buried it, but it can’t get any more concealed than this. Well almost, read on to find the easiest solution. 


  • Waterproof
  • Easy to hide
  • Low cost


  • Easy to forget where it has been buried
  • Garden or Flowerpot needed

The All Known Fake Stone

Hiding your spare key in a fake stone is probably one of the recommendations you’ll hear quite often, and it’s a valid one. It is easy, low cost, and effective. It just does the trick. 

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In the beginning, I mentioned the fake stone in my list of bad spots, but it is not the item that is bad; it is the spot. If you place your fake stone somewhere in your yard between other rocks, chances are very slim that someone will spot it in an instant. 

If you are now on the hunt for a fake stone, make sure it matches your surroundings or other stones. Nothing would stand out more than a single beige stone surrounded by black stones.

You don’t like a fake stone? Read on and find the fake squirrel!


  • Easy to use
  • Blends in
  • Low cost


  • Might be too obvious at the wrong spot

Electronic Wall Mount Key Safe

Now, this item is more on the fancy side and probably something you wouldn’t hide. We all know the key lock boxes you could hang on the doorknob or mount to the wall (see below), but this one is the modern version of it. This box is more versatile and offers more options for different needs.

If you don’t have a smart lock but have to provide access to multiple people or just one person on a regular basis, this might be a good fit.

The fancy box lets you provide access to your key via a code combination via your app. It is not connected to Wi-Fi but talks via Bluetooth.

It is not really concealed but very obvious; however, you could always mount it in a fake electrical box to the wall if needed – just an idea.


  • Multi-User Access
  • Smartphone Integration
  • Multiple options for usage


  • Plain sight
  • Battery-powered
  • More expensive


While the Top 3 List is more of a personal opinion, I wanted to give you a couple more ideas for products that I think might be a good fit as well. You’ll find different options or alternatives to the items I discussed previously. You don’t like a fake rock? Well, how about a fake squirrel? 

I have also added a magnetic key case to the list, in case you prefer to stick something on metal for quick and easy access. I did not choose a magnetic “slide to open” box since this isn’t something I would use. Instead, this little box needs a 3-digit combination to open it. Four digits would be better, but 3 digits are still better than slide-to-open.

Also on the list, is the Key Lock Box for Wall Mount. It is the analog version of the above mentioned electrical key safe. It has proven itself over the years and you don’t have to think about changing the batteries etc. It is also a bit more robust than the more modern version.

While those are fantastic solutions, there is one more option:

GEEKIA Hide A Key Garden Squirrel

SAFETY Lock Magnet Key Case

Key Lock Box Wall Mount

The easiest way to hide your spare key

The easiest method to regain access to your property when you got locked out: Give a spare key to a trusted contact like your parents, friends, or neighbors. However, always keep in mind that any one of them could enter your property at any time, but it probably can’t get any easier or safer at the same time. 


As you can see, there are many options available, and it is upon us to find the best solution for our needs and situation. Be creative when you hide a key; in the end, it grants access to your property, and your insurance might not pay if someone broke into your house by using your spare key.

Stay safe!


This is no legal advice and considered for entertaining purposes only. As everyone's situation is different, I'm writing about what I would do or have done that fit my needs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.